Great Vets in Central Illinois/Sterile Feral

Neutered Cat Still in Heat!

My 1 1/2 year old male cat that was neutered and vaccinated, then got deathly ill, is now raring to go--outside that is.

I haven't let him out, even though sometimes he howls, caterwauls. How long does the testosterone stay in a male cat's system after neutering?

Wish it would hurry up and go.

The Wizard

Yup, the vet was a wizard. First vet I went to told me to mix 1/2 water with 1/2 AD Diet canned cat food and syringe feed him. This made a mess all over his fur, plus possibly got in his lungs.

The 2nd vet -- the wizard -- syringe fed him AD diet cat food without water and gave him subcataneous fluid, 2 antibiotics. He stayed 6 days, is home now and doing great. The vet said he had given him a 50% chance of living when he first came in.

Results of Getting All Vaccines, Neutering, and Treatment for Parasites at One Time

Update February 12: One of my beautiful boys has been sick since Wednesday. He is not eating, drinking, and running a temp. Took him to the vet--his temp was 105. Vet gave him injection of Baytril. Today, Saturday, he was still sick. Took him to a vet recommended by a friend. They call him "The Wizard."

He said his temp was 106.7. He admitted him to the hospital. All because I wanted to save money on vaccinations and neutering.

Steril Feral

There is an organization near where I live called "Sterile Feral." What they do is neuter or spay outdoor cats for free. They also vaccinate and treat them for parasites.

Sunday morning I took two of our outdoor cats in to get neutered. I picked them up Tuesday morning. When I got them home, I noticed that both cats had 1/2 of one ear missing. The older cat, who is about a year and a half old, also had a large wound with blood coagulated on his other ear. I guess, what can you expect for free, but I wasn't happy that my two beautiful boys are now mutilated.